When your life is in the land between.

August 27, 2024

I was so scared of him that when I recognized his footfall coming down the stairs toward my office, I would lock the door, pull the shade, turn out the lights and hide. Did I mention I was a grown, 25-year-old man?

It was my first full-time employment which, in many ways, I enjoyed. I dearly loved the young men and women I was tasked to care for. But with my boss I had a complicated and difficult relationship. It became so bad that it affected just about every part of my life, including my marriage. It wasn’t long after I arrived in that job that I began to feel stuck, overwhelmed with uncertainty. You might call it a state of limbo or liminal space. I was in what author Jeff Manion calls “the land between”. I didn’t like who or where I was, yet had no idea who I should be or where I should go.

The land between…liminal space…is where most of us find ourselves from time to time. These insecure life moments happen to us for a variety of reasons and in a variety of seasons.

  • More than 28% of Americans are searching for a new job.
  • Over a quarter of Americans (27%) feel they’ve fallen into a rut, with one in four respondents admitting their life is a bit boring.
  • Pain and loss often throw us for a loop, especially when the loss has no closure or is ambiguous. We can’t be who we were and have no idea who we are now.
  • A dream dies. A life-long idea comes to naught. A business folds. A vision vaporizes. Now what?
  • “Is this all there is?” becomes the cry of disillusionment of someone who looks back over years of chasing the American Dream.
  • Normal life transitions happen…graduation, marriage, children, relocation, career shift, empty nesting, retirement. Who am I now?

Liminal spaces…the land between the old and new…are tough spaces to get through and even tougher to endure.

I’d like to take a stab at helping you through your limbo. Over the next few months, in my newsletter and blog, I will address ways to walk in and through your land between.

Here’s a preview of the topics I’d like to explore:

  1. The essential act of self-awareness. How to pay attention to yourself.
  2. The Road Back to You. The gift of a great personality test.
  3. Let your life speak. Mapping your life journey.
  4. What do you stand for? Probing your passions.
  5. “I see in you…” Getting great feedback from your people.
  6. Let your heart be broken. Considering an aching world.
  7. Take care of yourself. A simple path to whole life health.
  8. Lean right brained. Pursue joy and wonder!

All of these topics will pave the way to the main thing necessary in leaving the land between…knowing and engaging in your purpose, your calling, your why, that thing you were made for.

If any of this resonates with you or you’d like to have a kind coach to walk you through it, please reach out. It’s what we do! I love it when people hit reply and drop me a note. I read every one I get!

And remember this from an anonymous source…

“What feels like the end is often the beginning.”





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