Well-being Workshops and Personal Coaching
The Well-being Project©, unique to Destinyworks, is an excellent follow up to the Calling Quilt© but can also stand alone as a personal life-change catalyst.

Well-being Workshop
Our Well-being Workshops guide participants in strengthening their state of happiness, comfort and worth. These workshops are each a 3 hour fast-paced mix of personal assessment, discussion and lecture focused on launching a personal Well-being Project© for each participant.
The Well-being Project©, unique to Destinyworks, is an excellent follow up to the Calling Quilt© but can also stand alone as a personal life-change catalyst. Through the Well-being Project©, participants complete an honest assessment of the 6 Key Life Factors that inform their well-being: Physical Health, Inner world, Order, Relationships, Finances and Purpose. They then are led to create a simple plan, through mindfulness and intentionality, that identifies the dreams, goals and actions that will transform their lives.
Well-being Workshops are available in person and through an online virtual experience.
Well-being Workshops cost $125 per person for groups of 5 to 19 people and $2500 for groups of 20 and above. There is also a $5 per person fee for workbooks for all groups.
Through the Well-being Project©, participants complete an honest assessment of the 6 Key Life Factors that inform their well-being
Well-being Coaching
Our Well-being Coaching is a personal one-on-one guided exercise through the Well-being Project©. It begins with an intensive 2-hour experience with a coach who will help you assess the 6 Key Life Factors that inform your well-being. Your coach then will assist you in creating your own Personal Strategic plan through identifying the dreams, goals and actions that will transform your life. In three subsequent meetings, in the months that follow, your coach will help you assess your ongoing happiness, comfort and worth and tweak your personal Well-being Project© as needed.
Well-being Coaching is available in person and through an online virtual experience.
The cost of Well-being Coaching is $750 per person.