As I was wrapping up a Zoom call with a longtime friend, I realized how much I appreciated and admired him. That train of thought led me to consider the other people around me whom I admire and who have had an impact on my life. Which in turn led me to wonder what it...
The Further and Fantastic Journey
A DestinyWorks Blog
Why isn’t God doing something about this mess we’re in?
Why isn’t God doing something about this mess we’re in? That is THE question. Isn’t it? Why doesn’t God heal the world from COVID? Why doesn’t he help mitigate the climate emergency? Why won’t he eradicate racism? Why isn’t he doing something about the tsunami of...
I’m a 3 wing 4. What are you? And why does it matter?
A quick note on the Enneagram. It’s my favorite personality assessment, especially as it relates to the idea that forms the heart of my business and mission. Understanding your God-given personality is one of the four big objectives in discovering your destiny. The...
Embracing the Low-grade Fever of Sadness
What if I told you that the sadness you feel right now is never going to go away…as in ever? That, right there, is likely to cause some of you to hit delete. No way do you want to consider such a depressing future. I get it. But what if accepting that unvarnished...
What I binge watched on Netflix that moved me to tears.
One night, a few months ago, while bored-scrolling through the Netflix options, a documentary series called Lenox Hill caught my attention. It’s an intimate look into the lives of four doctors working at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. I wasn’t expecting much...
Are you whacked out or are you self-differentiated?
While I was processing the mask wars and writing about them here and here, I was drawn back to Edwin Friedman’s book, Failure of Nerve. The big idea of the book is very provocative. The only way for a nation, company, family, church, etc. to survive in the midst of...
Your pain may be the prime source of your calling. Really!
“I will redeem the years that the locusts have taken!” That’s one of my favorite mysterious promises from the Old Testament of the Bible. It comes from the ancient prophet Joel, recorded in Joel 2:25. Locusts, when they swarm, are considered by many to be the world’s...
What does it mean if the virus has changed our lives forever?
We’re not going back. I’m more and more convinced that life has fundamentally changed forever because of COVID-19 and its impact on our world. What does that even mean? On March 20 I received a link to an article that shook me up good. Looking back on it I can’t ever...
Some thoughts on mask fights – Part 2
It was, by far, the worst snowstorm I’ve ever had to endure. Early January of 1979, Chicago was hit with over 20 inches of snow, on top of 12 inches that had fallen just days earlier. My car disappeared under the massive drifts and the city did a terrible job trying...
Some thoughts on mask fights and terrible leadership
Yesterday at Whole Foods a commotion broke out. Lots of yelling. Everything came to a halt as shoppers nervously watched it go down. A hush came over the place as the confrontation escalated. It was over masks. A woman had worn a mask to gain entry to the store, but...