Charlie and me

October 16, 2024

A few weeks ago, I received an unusual phone call from my dear friend and mentor, Charlie. Would I be willing to take over the mentoring of a young man he had befriended the past eight years? It was an extraordinary request, as I had never met the man. Blind date mentoring?  An arranged friendship? But I only hesitated for a second. “Yes, of course. I would be glad to.” How could I say no? Charlie is dying.

Charlie has been my friend and confidant for 35 years. Roughly every month for more than three decades we’ve shared scones, coffee, stories and tears. Aside from my family, no one knows me better than Charlie. When I speak of the characteristics of loving, caring mentors, Charlie is my prototype. Soon our friendship will enter a hiatus as Charlie passes through the ultimate liminal space into his waiting home. I hope heaven has cinnamon scones.

The day came for the handoff. I was a little nervous and anxious. I’m sure Keith was too, as Charlie led us through a mentoring version of speed dating. We shared Cliff notes versions of our stories, and as Charlie was growing visibly tired, he brought the time to a close. We hugged, there were tears, and we departed. A short, awkward, sweet sacred moment.

As Keith and I walked out of the house and paused on the driveway to set up our first one-on-one mentoring appointment, we ran into a gentleman entering the house. I had heard of Joe from Charlie. They were friends and fellow physicians from way back. In his hand Joe held a document he was about to give to his dear friend, “60 years with Charlie Kelley”. I greeted Joe and made sure the three of us grasped the significance of the moment. I said, “Look at us…all mentored by the same man…one for 60 years, one for 35 years and one for 8 years.” I know we all were astounded and humbled. It was a day of sacred moments.

So do you see why I’m fairly worked up about the idea of mentoring? Mentoring is, to me, a joy, a duty and a calling. It is the foundation from which Destinyworks was born. The coaching we offer has a mentoring air about it. The Calling Quilt™ is a giant “I see in you…” conversation. It lights me up to see people grasp their purpose and potential.

To no small degree are my passions, calling and ministry informed by Charlie. It all started that day in 1989 when he invited me for coffee, and it will continue as Keith and I meet to begin wrestling with life together.

Coming up in my next post: How to find and be a mentor for life. And I’d love to share your story of mentorship with my readers. Tell me about your confidant or why mentoring is so important to you! I’m anxious to hear from you!





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