When your life looks way better than it feels.

June 18, 2024

“My life looks way better than it feels.”
Darren Waller, 31, NFL player New York Giants

In his recent public announcement of his retirement, Waller noted that in walking away from a 9-year football career he was leaving more than $30 million dollars on the table and would even owe back almost $1 million in bonus money. Why? His reasons are worth paying attention to…

“I feel like I spent most of my life doing what I should be doing and measuring that in the eyes of what people would expect from me. I’ve been a people pleaser my whole life, somebody that has struggled with worth, confidence and feeling valuable. I always end up with my life looking way better than it feels. This is an opportunity for me to kind of take back the power in my life  and start to make choices for myself about my passions or the things that I want to be interested in going forward.  It’s about becoming who I really AM.”

Wow. There’s a lot going on there. Things we all can relate to…constant people pleasing, debilitating self-worth issues, maintaining a public image, and the struggle with purpose.

What would you be willing to leave on the table if it would solve your own inner conflicts? What are you willing to leave behind to become who you really are? How honest are you ready to become to reveal who you really are? And…what are the passions and purposes you have set aside to meet everybody else’s expectations?

We can help you with those questions and would love to do so! My Destinyworks teammate Tajuana and I are currently filling Calling Quilt™ Coaching dates for this summer and early fall. We have some slots available for you! We also are available to lead your group or team in a Destiny Workshop that will directly address the issues Darren Waller has so bravely raised.

Don’t you think it’s time to get real about who you REALLY are and what you REALLY want for your future?

Follow Darren’s lead and take back the power in your life!





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