For a year we’ve lived our lives in the first person. Our focus has been on “my health, my body, my safety, my family, my opinion, my choices and my anxiety.” This is, of course, not surprising as the existential threats of pandemic, financial loss and ideological...
The Further and Fantastic Journey
A DestinyWorks Blog
On being at peace
I love strategic thinking and planning, especially when it’s all about me! I relish taking a personal retreat, carrying one of those huge post-it note flip charts with me. I enjoy spending several days dreaming about the future and crafting a plan to get there. The...
The four best words you could ever say to someone
OK, yeah, you’re thinking “I love you” is only three words. Those are THE best words you could ever say to someone, agreed. But there’s something almost equally powerful in this phrase - “I see in you…”. When you utter those words and follow them up with the admirable...
How to be a fantastic listener
“The first duty of love is to listen.” Paul Tillich I spend a good part of my day listening to people. When someone wants to discover their calling, it requires them to thoughtfully recount their life story. And I am present to bear witness to their memories. It is...